There is something to be said for sepia. Sometimes a photo just looks better, or evokes more emotion in sepia or black and white. Thanks to my camera, I have the privilege to edit my pics on the camera itself, even before transferring the images to the computer. So, I played around with the shots and the coloring for awhile and found this particular one to be the most evocative in the series. I came across this tree while driving around in Bedford, NY, and thankfully got my husband to pull over so I could shoot. I love the medusa-like branches and the incredible strength and sturdiness of this old tree. (The Bedford Oak is over three hundred years old!)
This photograph also reminds me of the essence of "tree pose" in yoga (vrksasana), how onc can ground his/herself by rooting both upwards to the sky and simultaneouly down to the ground to improve balance, concentration and control. Next time you're in yoga class, I hope you'll think of this image to help you balance in tree pose! :)
Hi Mel,
I definately will think of this picture next time I am in tree pose. :) Lots of Love!! barbara
you know, trees are a great way to measure growth. the roots go deeper into the earth, making the tree more stable, connected, and allowing the tree to get more nourishment for additional growth. the branches move in a directions, in so doing creating the character and integrity of the tree. what better a metaphor to celebrate and acknowledge your 30th birthday (which as a measuring life for me makes me really old!!) You are a beautiful Tree Melissa, with strong roots, loving and blossoming branches. Happy Birthday to you on this significant and wonderful day!!! Lot of Love Always, barbara
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